Sunday, April 20, 2008

I hear an echo...

So I found out today that I won an Echo Award... so what the heck is that you ask?? Well, I'm not exactly sure where the "echo" name came from but I can tell you that it's pretty freakin cool to get one... and it's a VERY cool looking trophy at that!

In the industry I'm in (Radio) and more specifically, CCM Radio it's an award for excellence in your chosen field. Being a Program Director for a Major Market radio station is a big deal in my little circle. But then again, my circle is pretty small so it's a big fish/small pond thing going on to be honest. I'm not minimizing the importance of my job, or the place I work, or even our industry but it's amazing at how serious we take ourselves sometimes. I mean, in the big scheme of things does this really matter in life? Is someone elses life better because of it?? When I stand before God will he even care? Think he'll ask to see all my trophies? I doubt it.

Anyway, I was nominated and voted on by the industry peers as "the best" for this past year... is it cool? Yes. Does it feel good? Yes.

While I'm thrilled and VERY thankful I'm also quick to wonder why we Christians are so eager to "compete" against each other. The station I work for is no doubt a leader in the industry and has won "station of the year" 6 or 7 times. Including the past 4 years in a row but... does this trophy make this station "better" than the others?? Not at all. Does my trophy make ME better than the others nominated? Heck no.

I just finished Donald Miller's Searching for God Knows What and he talks a lot about this... Somehow we humans want to be "better" than the other guy because in some ways it makes us feel superior. Or more God like. In our fallen humanity we somehow have to be "better" thatn the other guy and one of the ways we do that is to make others feel "less" than us. Competition is just one way we do this... Social standing is another way we do it. Of course, this is not how God sees our worth but that's another blog for another time. It's a GREAT read and I highly recommend it.

After all the calls and text messages came in I soaked in all the glory until I remembered what I had read in God Knows What...  then I just smiled, shook my head and thanked God for His grace.


1 comment:

george said...

Just was reading your blog was wondering how you were weathering the storm.
Congrats on your echo award you are well deserving